Unity Compatibility
This package is compatible with Unity 2019.4.8f1 which can be downloaded from https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download/archive.
- Added prefab templates for most common weapon types to make importing weapon models easier.
- Most Scriptable Objects and their serialized properties now have headers and tooltips in the Unity editor.
- Nameplate position can now be controlled easily through a gameobject anchor.
- Portals can now use location tags to easily control spawn locations by looking for tagged objects instead of requiring exact vector3 co-ordinates.
Third Party Package Support
- Added support for using a third party camera and motion controller. This includes an ObjectMessageContoller Monobehavior that be configured to interface with any third party component using reflection, events, property manipulation, and message sending.
- Invector controller message template to interface with an Invector movement controller is included in the engine.
- Invector UMA template that contains all the AnyRPG player components for quick creation of Invector integrated UMA models is included in the engine.
Custom Stat System
- Primary stats (such as wisdom, spirit, intellect etc) are now completely user definable through ScriptableObjects.
- The relationship between primary stats and secondary stats is also user defined now.
- Power Resources (like health / mana / rage / energy) can now be configured or added to games through ScriptableObjects.
- Stats and Power resources can be defined system wide, per unit profile, per unit type, and per character class, or any combination.
- Random item quality and random secondary stats are now available on dropped items.
Unity Timeline
- Added capability to control skybox through Unity timeline.
- Cutscene dialog can now be advanced by the Unity timeline.
Cutscenes can be ended by the Unity Timeline.
UI and Sound
- Separate controls are now available for voice, UI, and sound effect volumes.
- Action bars now show their keybind button in red if the target is out of range or not valid.
- Many fullscreen UI panels now resize to any screen resolution.
- Footstep sounds (looping or using animation events) can now be configured.
- Footstep areas have been added to allow footstep sounds to change for an entire zone or localized areas.
- A selection of basic sound effects are now included in the engine, and most abilities, and some UI actions have been configured to use them.
- Item icons can now have their background color and / or icon changed depending on the item quality.
- Several sample icon backgrounds are now included in the engine.
- Faction can be suppressed on nameplates.
- Nameplates can now include custom titles along with the faction.
- A new current target projector has been added that will show a circle around the target on the ground. It can be configured to show different colors and types of circles depending on the unit difficulty.
- Change all UI text to TextMeshPro for improved performance and flexibility.
- In game credits has been added to the UI, along with ScriptableObjects to support it.
- Nameplates can be completely suppressed on units.
- Added a pet control panel to summon and dismiss captured pets.
- Units now have chat bubbles on their nameplates to allow for visible dialog above the unit instead of requiring an open dialog box.
- Quest objectives can now have their display names manually overridden in the quest log.
- Text dialogs can now have audio associated with them.
- Cutscenes now use dialogs for subtitles and can have specific text appear and disappear at certain timestamps.
Ability System
- AOE functionality has been upgraded to allow random spawn locations. This enables things like meteor showers.
- AI now auto-targets ground spells at target foot location.
- Characters can now learn abilities from their unit profile instead of needing weapons.
- AOE abilities can now prefer the closest targets.
- Animated abilities can now use auto-attack animations, allowing abilities that can be used with multiple weapon types.
- Environmental area effects such as poison, lava, etc are now possible with the addition of a more generic ability casting base class.
- Ability targeting logic is more consistent and now includes separate settings for casting on neutral units and casting on non-self units.
- Explosions have been added to the knockback options in the ability system.
- Status effects can now be assigned types, and other status effects can remove them based on their type. Eg, a poison type can be defined for a status effect and a remove ability that can remove status effects of that type.
- Line of sight requirement can now be enabled for abilities.
- Added animated interactable objects to enable things like doors and elevators.
- Pressure plates have been added that are only triggered when a rigidbody with the correct mass is colliding with them.
- Control switches and switch groups have been added that function like buttons and logic gates for activating other interactables.
- Portals to other zones can be made more easily with the new load scene interactable component.
- Items can now use UMA recipe profiles that will properly equip models for both male and female (different UMA race) characters.
- Equipment sets have been added to the game, and can grant bonuses when any defined number of set pieces are worn.
- Item level scaling has been introduced, and includes scaling caps, and item level freezing up drop.
- Many enhancements to the loot system have been made, including weighted drops, drop groups, and drop limits.
- Currency scaling has been introduced for item buy and sell price based on item level. Currency scaling is also available for currency drops from mobs.
- Crafting recipes can now have individual holdables while crafting on a per recipe basis.
- Recipes for skills can now be learned automatically at a certain level, or from item drops.
- Most properties for character related components have been moved from monobehaviors to the UnitProfile scriptableObject.
- Objects (both inanimate and characters) can be made persistent through the use of components and will keep their position between level loads.
- Unit spawn node logic has been improved to allow respawn on death, loot, despawn, or never.
- XP scaling is now available for quests based on quest level and mob kills based on mob level.
- Visiting a zone can now be used as a quest objective and prerequisite for anything that uses the prerequisite system.
- Cutscenes can now be repeatable.
- A behavior component has been added that can send user defined messages to gameObjects, to allow for scripted actions using built-in or user-supplied components. The behaviors can be timed to function like a character local timeline.
- Units can now spawn dead.
- Unit toughness ScriptableObject is available that allows independent tuning of resources and stats for creating boss type units.
- Version 0.8a
- Download 50
- File Size 600 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date August 17, 2020
- Last Updated January 30, 2023